Friday, August 3, 2012


However that didn´t matter to me because i had other friends and i tell them about it. Like the example of the man that took care of the sheeps and he had to adivice when the wolf come , because if he didn´t advice the wolf will eat the sheeps. Once there were nothing but he wanted to lie the boss, so he shouted "the wolf, the wolf, the wolf comes" and the boss believed him and he went to see if there were something but there weren´t nothing, then the second time was the same but whe the third one was truth he adviced and the boss didn´t believe him and the wolf ate all the sheeps.

I had an experience with my cousing when i was child and he told me that he wanted to stay with me and he enjoyed playing with me in the break in the school, but i knew that there were something that was incorrect in our relationship, i knew that he was lying with me and he had other friend that allways was whit him.

All the time my mother told me that story and she thaught me that i don´t have to lie becuase if i do it the pesont won´t believe me, and won´t have the confidence of the person. When someone lies me i have a different confidence with him because i won´t believe again.

" When you lie people, they won´t have the same confidence with you"


The first week of agoust, i had activities like one day of rally, the next day of party dance, the next one of gymnastics and the last day there is a trip for to bring the torch.

Some special for me when it comes, i hope the day and i enjoy it a lot. One of those anniversaries is about the school, i´ve had in my last school activities for to celebrate the anniversaries.

Now that i am in IGA i don´t know very well if there is an anniversary but i think that is in the spirtit week because we have each day using different clothin with different topics as clouds, 80s, old people, and famous  people.
Also there are special anniversaries like when my parents got married , birthdays and when we travel.
The anniversaries are very excited and with all the people celebrating we can feel the feeling of one more                       year.

Friday, May 18, 2012


When we´re talking about exams for some is concerned, others nightmare and for me a test of what do i know.All the time when i have exams i´m not nervous, the thing is that i have studied and only, that´s all.!!!

In an exam i think before that is like something that is for to tell me how much do i know about the subject. The next week in my school i have exams and the first day of the exams i have English, English is course that is studing practicing talking and also using the topics that i learn. When i have hard test i study those more than the others that are easy for me; i have to do questionnairies of the topics because since i was child my mother did questionnairies for me and she asked me. That was the way that i had good scores in my exams because i studied very good. Now i use the same way to learn and to study for the tests, i have to sumary the topics and then do a questionnairie, that´s the only way that i can remember and answer correctly.

If i just read i can´t remember and i don´t have good scores, This weekend i´m going to study and prepare for the tests of the next week. I am going to do my questionnairies and study the things that are difficult for me.

" You know the only way that you use to prepare for the tests, don´t be nervous and don´t ask for copy because that is "cheating" just prepare your self and be already"


My favorite hobbie after the video games!!!!!!!!!
There´s not a day that i don´t listen to music in my house. Always i´m listening to musik, when i go to the school, when i go outside and when i´m doing homework or doing exercise. Sometimes i listen with all the volume and i sing too, in my house i have a good bass and it feels so good! also with the headphones is very good.

The music helps you to forget what were you thinking before and it depands of the kind of music, because when i´m listening electronic music i feel like i want to jump, go out, play etc... and when i listen like romantic music i remember a lot of things... Also with the salsa or Bachata i feel like i want to dance.
My favorite music obviously is the Electronic music. like these artists LMFAO, BLACK EYED PEAS, and David Guetta. This kind of music make me feel good and happy. I was learning the shuffling that is a dance of lmfao and now i can dance electronic music as Break dance.

And in the radio my favorite station is "La Yosi" frecuently there are some electronic songs, and like hip hop. I listen the top 20. Really the music is the most important thing for being good. All the time i am listening the news of the latests songs of my favorite artists and learning their songs like how to dance.

FOOD ....

This week with my mother, we made a cake in the hose, and we cooked bread with cheese inside.
My mother actually make delicious food and when some people come in the house they congratulate my 
mother of her food.
She is nice preparing fast food like pizza, she cooks the pizza very different from the domino´s and pizza hut.
She has her own recipe for her pizzas, and she likes that i help her with her recipes.
She is a good cooker because she likes to wath in the tv programs about food and how to prepare it, then she practice in the kitchen and thouse are her delicious food becuase she tries make it good.

There are a lot of dishes that i like to test, as the hamburguers, Hot dogs, salads, and tipycal food. When i eat her food i want to eat again becuase is very delicious and i have the temptation to test.

My favorite fast food is pizza, i can eat 7 porcions of pizza and i feel good. Once with my father we ate 2 pizzas and i was like FULL! because i couldn´t walk to much and felt my stomach very big. And my favorite dish to eat is the food that the people give in the weddings the "Estofado" Is ummm delicious with the potatoes the meat and the rice!!
I eat a lot but i´m not fat because i do exercise and i don´t know where all the food went on!


Actually my favorite sport is SOCCER! But these days i am playing basket ball and other sports like Ping Pong and Swimming.

Soccer is the sport that i practice a lot and i like to have matches with other teams, i was in a team in the secundary and we participed in the Coca Cola cup, we won the firsts matches but in the final we lose the match. In soccer my favorite team here in Guatemala is Municipal, but for this weekend i am Xelaju Mc becuase the saturday is the final and i don´t want that Municipal will won again; i want Xelaju Win.

In the international i am 100% Barcelona all my life i am a and will be barecelonista!
I think is the best team around the world and it has the best players like Messi and Xavi! They´re so nice although they didn´t win all the cups this year the next season is going to be good with the new manager.

The other sport is basketball i am playing in the shool, and is the second that actually i play all the time. I´m good playing it but i have to be better with some things. I want to participate in a competition this year and to win a cup.

" Practicing sports are very good for your health, it helps you to be good with your organism and you spend all your energy with sports. The sports are a good idea when you have problems and you are concerned with something. Take care when you play and drink water because is a good thing to replace your energy and give all of you."

Video Games

The most favorite hobbie for the youth today!
 I think all the people around the world play video games at least twice a week. The video games i something that when i play i can´t leave it. Since i was child i liked the video games and all the time i went to the little machines of video games that came in the fear. That was the only place that i played when i was like 5 or 6 years old. Then when i had 7 years i think, my uncle had computers and that was the reason i began playing video games a lot. All the time i went with him and asked him to play in his computer, After when my father bought a computer i became addicted to games and when i finished my homework i played with my friends in the computer!

I had to buy controls and install games for the computer, i remember that my firsts games that i played were of nintendo 64, i installed the project 64 in the computer and i played games with my friends like "Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 and Super smash Bros". The bad thing was that the control were not so good and then using it a lot, the controls were ruined. My parentes didn´t buy me a nintendo , i mean a console; After i went to play in places with video games and in those there were a lot of games and the controls were awesome! i had to save money during the week for to play video games and pay.
Now! Finally i have my own console that is a Wii and now i can play with great controls and whenever i want, also i don´t have to pay nothing. I just have to organice my time because i don´t have a lot of time like when i was 12 or 13. My parents bought me the Wii with the condition that when i did all my homework and i don´t have nothing to do i can play, and also if i have good Scores in the school.
"I think the video games help you to forgot all your concerns and is fun to play with other people; you just have to take care of your time and don´t be angry when you play, because sometimes you fell angry when you lose or something like that! and remember is just a Game "